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L.L. Muir

In Spokane, Washington, a rebellious elementary school librarian, Ms. Doty, slipped Lesli a backroom book, DIARY OF A FRANTIC KID SISTER, and a writer was born. Like most writers, Lesli was side-tracked by a day-job and a family. She became an award-winning floral designer and opened The Scottish Rose Floral and Home. She and her husband raised five super-heroes for society, but none will wear tights. The wake-up call came one summer when Lesli read Diana Gabaldon’s OUTLANDER. A few weeks later she watched Phantom of the Opera for the first time, and the writer’s siren song started again. Earplugs didn’t work, so she closed her beloved Scottish Rose to unleash the maniacal writer within.

Currently, Lesli writes paranormal fiction for both adult and young adult readers and indulges her plaid soul by adding Scottish characters where she can and listening to tribal Scottish bands. When she got THE CALL from Cori Deyoe it was everything any writer could have imagined THE CALL to be.Do not be misled—Lesli is not Wonder Woman, she is Wonder Woman gone dark. She does not wear tights or bracelets. Neither her underwear, nor outerwear has red stripes, though none should be surprised to find her convincing little children she has an invisible airplane parked on her roof. She was once a good mother and wife—back in the days before she remembered she wanted to be a writer. The Good Old Days, her family calls them.

Now she sucks…on Diet Pepsi…and demands more ice (Heed. Ice. Noooow!) from anyone who can hear her voice and reach the ice dispenser, even if it’s the UPS guy. (The neighbor kids won’t come near the house for fear of that plane slipping off the roof and onto their heads.) She also sucks chocolate but earns it with her word count; she does have SOME control.

She skips out on church meetings if she has a great idea, and she neglects her friends and family, unless they stick their heads in her office and remind her who they are.

All in all, she’s completely worthless to mankind other than she does a little stand-up comedy and writes the radical stories of some jacked-up characters, who absolutely must exist somewhere or there is no justice in the Universe. If she must freaking bring them to life herself, she will!

L.L. Muir

Represented by:

Cori Deyoe

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